UCSF Medical Center offers screening test for early detection of lung cancer
University of California San Francisco
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Women who undergo Pap smear tests to screen for cervical cancer one, two or three years after having had normal test results had about the same low rate of significant cellular abnormalities, a University of California, San Francisco study has found.
Scientists have shown for the first time that pure prion proteins can trigger normal proteins to change shape and become infectious.
Measuring the levels of triglyceride fats in the blood does not aid in the prediction of heart disease in men, according to new research from the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) and the University of California, San Francisco.
Minorities, particularly Hispanics and Asian Americans, are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to report obstacles in access to health care, according to a University of California, San Francisco study.
A study by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco has found that patients with HIV infection taking protease inhibitors do not experience short-term adverse virologic effects from using cannabinoids.
University of California, San Francisco researchers and Brazilian colleagues report that analysis of blood samples taken at an anonymous test site in Santos, Brazil from 1995 to 1999 show an increase in the rate of HIV infection after a period of decline.
In an early report from an ongoing, randomized clinical trial, researchers from UCSF have shown that the addition of the immune stimulator interleukin-2 (IL-2) to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) improves immune function in patients who have been recently infected with HIV.
A study by the San Francisco Department of Public Health, conducted at the San Francisco County Jail, has found that anonymous HIV screening of jail inmates offers an opportunity to track the epidemic in at-risk groups...
Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease may become easier with the help of imaging studies from the San Francisco Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, which is affiliated with UC San Francisco.
The right of University of California scientists to carry out tobacco smoking research and anti-smoking advocacy was affirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Sacramento Thursday (July 6).
A University of California, San Francisco program that uses certified nurse midwives and nurse practitioners as primary care givers has significantly reduced transmission of HIV from mother to child...
Results from two studies proving the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of providing voluntary counseling and testing for HIV-1 in developing countries are reported in the new issue (July 8) of the British medical journal The Lancet.
A new study headed by a University of California, San Francisco AIDS researcher has determined that providing the female condom to women who are commercial sex workers in rural South Africa is a highly cost-effective means of preventing HIV transmission...
UC San Francisco researchers have discovered a region in the telomerase enzyme that they say could prove to be a target for killing cancer cells and regenerating damaged cells, and could also lead to a possible target for attacking HIV.