University of California San Francisco
Give to UCSFResearchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Makerere University in Uganda have used hair and blood samples from three-month old infants born to HIV-positive mothers to measure the uninfected babies’ exposure — both in the womb and from breast-feeding — to antiretroviral medications their mothers were taking. The results, they said, are surprising.
<p>The AIDS drug Truvada, approved this week for prevention of HIV infection in uninfected people at high risk, may benefit many uninfected women whose male partners have HIV, including pregnant women, who may be at higher risk.</p>
<p>A perspective published in the <em>New England Journal of Medicine</em> this week by professors at UCSF and the Johns Hopkins University asserts that it is now possible to begin to end the AIDS epidemic by widely and strategically applying existing tools.</p>
<p>UCSF is investigating an incident involving a noose found hanging from a box in a storeroom on the Parnassus campus.</p>
On the eve of AIDS 2012, the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC, UCSF has launched the blog UCSF AIDS 2012, to cover the news as it unfolds in the days leading up to and during the meeting and to offer daily expert analysis and insight along the way.
<p>William Bird, DDS, DPH, who retired last year after 22 years at the UCSF School of Dentistry, died on Jan. 18, 2012. He was 78.</p>
<p>In the first 24 hours after announcing UCSF’s first online classes through the website Coursera, more than 2,500 students signed up for those first three, free classes, signaling what could be a significant expansion in UCSF’s ability to reach a wide audience with its health science courses.</p>
<p>The year 1982 was pivotal for Paul Volberding, MD. In the early days of the AIDS crisis, he was a talented research fellow who was getting ready to help launch San Francisco General Hospital & Trauma Center’s Ward 86, which would become the world’s first HIV/AIDS outpatient clinic. It opened its doors the following year.</p>
<p>UCSF will form a dedicated advisory board to help ensure that the University continues to excel as a health sciences innovator and deliver on its critically important public mission, Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, told the UC Regents on July 18.</p>