University of California San Francisco
Give to UCSFJust a half-century after the first human ventured into space, commercial space travel — or “space tourism” — is quickly becoming a reality. A new UCSF study looks at the health implications of flying into outer space and suggests establishing health screening standards for private citizens who want to blast off.
<p>Daniel M. Dooley, senior vice president for external relations at the University of California Office of the President, said today the University would stop using the new UC monogram.</p>
The pelvic exam, a standard part of a woman’s gynecologic checkup, frequently is performed for reasons that are medically unjustified, according to a UCSF study that could lead to future changes to medical practice.
Award-winning scientists, university chancellors, presidents of health care organizations, chief executive officers, deans of colleges, commanding generals: UCSF has a history of producing alumni who become leaders in the health sciences.
St. Joseph’s Medical Center is bringing advanced cancer care to San Joaquin County with a new collaboration between St. Joseph’s Regional Cancer Center and the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center that will enhance patient care and access to clinical trials.
<p>That growth of palliative care services in the U.S. highlights concepts that many experts believe are at the heart of effective health care delivery: patient-centered and team-based.</p>
<p>President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate UCSF's Mack Roach, who is recognized as a major authority on the treatment of prostate cancer, to the National Cancer Advisory Board.</p>
UCSF scientists have uncovered the molecular basis of gentle touch, one of the most fundamental but least well understood of our senses.