University of California San Francisco
Give to UCSFOrgan-transplant recipients often reject donated organs, but a new, two-pronged strategy developed by UCSF researchers to specifically weaken immune responses that target transplanted tissue has shown promise.
UCSF is in advanced discussions to acquire a parcel of land known as Blocks 33 and 34, adjacent to the current UCSF Mission Bay campus.
In its fourth year of supporting early translational research, the Catalyst Awards program wrapped up its Fall 2013 cycle with nine finalists presenting their research ideas to industry and academic experts in research, product development and commercialization.
The University of California has issued a revised Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy in response to President Obama signing into law the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA).
E-cigarettes, promoted as a way to quit regular cigarettes, may actually be a new route to conventional smoking and nicotine addiction for teenagers, according to a new UCSF study.
UCSF neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD, is hoping to paint a fuller picture of what is happening in the minds and bodies of those suffering from brain disease with his new lab, Neuroscape, which bridges the worlds of neuroscience and high-tech.
UCSF is changing the way you think about your neighborhood drugstore by putting the pharmacist front and center – not just in the store, but also on your health care team.
Members of the UCSF community are invited to share their ideas on the qualities and characteristics they would like to see in the next chancellor during town hall meetings on Monday, March 10.